The Art of Design Issue 16 2015 | Page 137

137 CO L O U R S A D D N E W D I M E N S IONS TO D E S I G N E R R A D I A T O RS To paraphrase the famous quip by Henry Ford traditionally you could have radiators in “any colour so long as it was white”. Stelrad now offers many of its models in up to 35 different colours – with a small delivery waiting time – but a time wait that is well worth it to get exactly the right colours and shades for interior décor purposes, whether to match or contrast with other décor. The huge range of colours that many products are available in, brings a new range of options for heating your home in colour. From stylish pastels to forceful sepias, greys, blacks and metallics – there are a range of options for anyone. And whilst variations of white will always be the best sellers, the increase in coloured radiators we’re seeing on the market says something special about the options available and the people out there choosing them for their homes and designs. Next time you are buying radiators, consider the benefits of specifying coloured radiators – these days, if it’s right for the project, you can genuinely ‘heat a rainbow’. Go to for more details. Infrared heating panels Infrared heating panels ✔ Affordable electric heating Infrared heating panels ✔ Energy efficient radiators Infrared heating panels Infrared heating panels ✔ Affordable electric heating ✔ Modern stylish designs Infrared heating panels ✔ Affordable electric heating ✔ Energy efficient radiators Infrared heating panels ✔ Affordable electric heating ✔ Energy efficient radiators ✔ Maintenance free Infrared heating panels ✔ Affordable electric heating ✔ Modern stylish designs ✔ Energy efficient radiators Infrared heating panels ✔ Affordable electric heating ✔ Modern stylish designs ✔ Energy efficient radiators ✔ Provides healthy natural warmth Infrared heating panels Maintenance free ✔ Affordable electric heating ✔ Energy Modern efficient stylish designs ✔ radiators Maintenance free ✔ Affordable electric heating ✔ Modern stylish designs Provides healthy natural warmth ✔ Energy efficient radiators ✔ Warming people directly not just the air Maintenance free ✔ Affordable electric heating ✔ Modern stylish designs Provides healthy natural warmth ✔ Energy efficient radiators ✔ Maintenance free Warming people directly just the air ✔ Heating the thermal mass of the room ✔ Modern stylish designs Provides healthy natural not warmth ✔ Energy efficient radiators ✔ Maintenance free Warming people directly not just the air ✔ Modern stylish designs Infrared heating panels ✔ Provides healthy natural warmth Heating the thermal massnot of the ✔ Maintenance free Warming people directly justroom the air ✔ Fit to ceiling or wall to maximise living space ✔ Modern stylish designs ✔ Provides healthy natural warmth ✔ Affordable electric Heating the thermal mass ofheating the ✔ Maintenance free ✔ Warming people directly not justroom the airspace Fit to ceiling or wall to maximise living Affordable electric heating ✔ Provides healthy natural warmth Heating the thermal mass of the ✔ Maintenance free ✔ Energy efficient radiators ✔ Provides Warming people directly not justroom the airspace Fit to ceiling or wall to maximise living Energy efficient radiators ✔ healthy natural warmth ✔ Heating the thermal mass of the ✔ Modern stylishnot designs ✔ Warming people directly justroom the airspace Fit to ceiling or wall to maximise living Modern stylish designs ✔ Provides healthy natural warmth Multiheat & Energy Ltd ✔ Heating the thermal mass of the room ✔ Warming people directly not just the airSystems ✔ Maintenance free t & Energy Systems Ltd Maintenance free ✔ Fit to ceiling or wall mass to maximise living space ✔ Heating the thermal of the room Office Bethany, Parkham Ash, Bideford EX39 5PS ✔ people directly not justwarmth the airspace tany, & Parkham Energy Ltd ✔3, Provides natural Ash,Systems Bideford 5PS or ✔ Warming Fit toEX39 ceiling wall tohealthy maximise living Provides