The Arabic Institute 2017/18 Catalogues Individuals- Western Learner | Page 10

listening 16% u * Language register: The degree of formality - learn more r out.. nd e other and that’s where this choice stands % guidance to take you from one stage to the languages, it requires a careful and cheerful of the modern apps that teach second While this approach is used by the majority that point faster than any other program. 6% DISTRIBUTION OF LANGUAGE SKILLS OBTAINED THROUGHOUT THIS PROGRAM CURRICULUM a bilingual ability in all walks of life. This programme has been developed so you reach g 1 acquisition journey, your brain starts to adapt kin At a certain phase of your language spea w in rit 6% g 1 16 USAGE OF LANGUAGE REGISTER* THROUGHOUT THIS PROGRAM CURRICULUM a BILINGUAL ARABIC - NEW rm RA - W202 al info % 50