The American Chiropractor Volume 36, Issue 6 | Page 60

When Opting Out Isn i an Option ot long ago, we heard from a panicked DC who had just received a call from Medicare. Eeek! They asked him why they had begun receiving itemized statements from his patients when they couldn't find him registered in the system. He told them that his particular style of chiropractic was not classified as a chiropractic manipulative treatment (CMT) because he was more of a sports chiropractor. He felt that he had "opted out" of Medicare. His logic was that most of the patients in his practice were a younger, more active clientele of athletes and active adults, and he had very few Medicare patients. So mostly, he felt he wasn't really providing Medicare-covered services. Evidently, these patients thought he was. N The key word here would be "mostly." By the time we received the e-mail. this poor guy was in a panic, and for good reason. Chiropractors can choose to be participating (par) or be non-participating (non-par) providers of Medicare, but opting out isn't an option. He had been treating Medicare-qualified patients who thought they were seeing a typical chiropractor who was enrolled in the Medicare system. Now they were seeking reimbursement from either Medicare or their secondary insurance on their own. As a result, the chiropractor in question was receiving letters and calls from Medicare telling him that he wasn't using the proper modifiers, and the secondary insurances were demanding an "opt-out letter," which was something he wasn't even legally allowed to do. He was confused and distraught, and we were just plain worried. By the time Medicare is sending you notices sniffing for more info and wondering why in the GETTING TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER world your patients are sending in their bills, you' re not just in hot water, you' re FOR HEALTH AND VITALITY gasping for air. VerVita's formulas were designed through the wisdom and expertise of Dr. Dick Versendaal. He knew how to get to the heart of a problem and support the body as it works together as a whole. Simplify and be successful with an inventory consisting of only 10 nutritional products and 6 essential oils. Contact Reflex Analysis Seminar September 20-21 . Rosemont, IL Dream • Learn • Carryon the Legacy and Philosophy of Dr. Dick Versendaal · A discouragingly large percentage of DCs still believe they can "opt out" of Medicare and demand cash from Medicare patients. That is not acceptable or legal. Even if you are a "non-par" provider, you still must be equipped to be able to bill Medicare, meaning that you are enrolled with Medicare. This is as true statutorily noncovered services as it is of covered chiropractic manipulation. The rules are simple: DCs must bill Medicare directly for all covered CMT services and for the statutorily excluded services if the patients ask them to do so, such as for denial in order to submit to a secondary insurance. Why? If a patient were to receive an excluded service, such as an exam, the secondary carrier might pay when Medi- To learn more, circle # 128 on The Action Card 56 I The American Chiropractor I JUNE 201 4 www.t heamericanch