The American Chiropractor Volume 36, Issue 6 | Page 47

FEATURE So here is the rub: ovelWeight and obese patients often come in to us knowing they need to exercise. They don't realize the arch collapse in their feet is a major cause of their pain. They tell us they try to walk, get on the treadmill, or perform some other type of weight-bearing exercise. What happens? Their feet, knees, or back hurt more so they can' t exercise. It is a vicious cycle, so how can you help them break it? Try this: 1. Appropriate physiotherapy modalities (i.e. , laser, US, EMS, etc.) to the affected areas. 2. Adjust the feet, ankles, knees, hips, and affected spinal regions. 3. Scan the patient and get them a pair of custom, three-arch, flexible orthotics. 4. Use elastic sports tape to support the three arches of the feet while you wait for the custom orthotics to arrive. Elastic sports taping is extremely helpful for the painful body part as well. Taping of ankles, knees, and the low back is common for my practice. 5. Check that patients are wearing supportive shoes appropriate for their body weight. 6. Prescribe home care, which may include: Creams, gels, or products for pain, swelling, inflammation, etc. Appropriate exercises (i.e. , stretches, pool exercises, walking, or other cardiovascular activities that are not too stressful for their bodies). 7. Nutritional consultation. Whether you do it or you refer outside of your practice, patients need ideas and recommendations for how to eat and make healthier choices. Earn an Additional S S 100 - 250 K Annuallv With the lifestyle Weight loss Metabolic Counseling ProgramĀ® For 20 years, we tra ined doctors nationwide and patients in our clinics using our Lifestyle Metabolic Analyzer to lose weight, eat healthy mea l plans and excercise, based on lean muscle,metabolism,lifestyle, activity level and food preferences. Now, let's go back to Allie. 1 knew the pain in her knees and lower back was due to her excessively pronating feet, so we treated and adjusted her in the affected areas. Since 1 had scanned her and she understood her arches were a big factor, 1 put elastic Eat Normal Supermarket Foods tape on her feet to simulate the support the orthotics would give her. Research Validation: University She felt relief when she left my office, and was very shocked when she came back two days later to find that the adjustments and taping had worked together to help reduce her pain by 50%. She ordered the orthotics that next visit. 1 kept her feet taped and saw her two more times over the next week. Then the orthotics arrived and she was surprised at how comfortable they were the first time she wore them. Allie returned two weeks after getting the orthotics and said to me, "I put those orthotics in and 1 have never taken them off. 1 feel amazing. 1 even put them in my slippers. My knee pain and lower back pain have improved over 90%. 1 can walk longer and farther, and for the first time in years, 1 am exercising. 1 am walking, doing aquarobics, and want to try yoga. 1 also love the nutritionist you referred me to. We have changed my diet and 1 am eating healthier." Obesity is rampant in our society today. It unfortunately has many facets. Our patients usually come to us after seeing the allopathic physician and trying a slew of fad diets. As chiropractors, we need to know how to recognize the relationship that feet have to the pain patients are exhibiting in the lower body and spine, and the way these problems contribute to, and perpetuate, weight problems (and vice versa). of Southern California & National Institutes of Health Nutrition programs fo r, Metabolic Weight Loss, Paleo, Atkins, Diabetes. Zone, Inflammation, Fatigue,HCG, Ideal Protein, Sports Nutrition, etc incorporating behavior mod ification , with Conventional and Holistic Protocols. Turn-Kev- Weighlloss,Wellness & Corporale Programs, Heabh Risk Assessmenls, wilh Onsile or Webinar Training & Marketing. When we help break the cycle, we free patients to take control of their lives again and go on the offensive to be healthier and pain free. We help them start and build momentum. Not many health practitioners actually understand the feet enough to make it part of a treatment plan. So go the extra step and be that practitioner. Do you have any patients like Allie in your office? 1 challenge you to look at them from the ground up. Dr. Kevin Wong is an expert on foot analysis, walking and standing postures and orthotics. Teaching patients and chiropractors is a passion for him, and he travels the country speaking about spinal and extremity adjusting. Dr. Wong practices full-tim e in Orinda, California. Contact Dr. Wong at 925-254-4040 or drkevinw