test - pdf PDX Reading Specialist - Test

The Reading Brain : Connecting Speech to Print
Summary :
Oral language is the foundation of written language . To understand the reading brain , we must first understand oral language processing and the factors that contribute to skilled reading . At the end of this workshop , participants will be able to :
• Explain the domains of language and their importance to proficient reading and writing
• Explain a scientifically valid model of the language processes underlying reading and writing .
• Identify and explain major research findings regarding the contribution of environmental factors to literacy outcomes .
• Match examples of student responses and learning behavior to phases in language and literacy development .
• Explain how a weakness in each component skill of oral language , reading , and writing may affect other related skills and processes across time .
• Identify the most salient instructional needs of students who are at different points of reading and writing development .
• Using case study , explain why a student is / is not meeting goals and expectations in reading or writing for his or her age / grade .
• Understand and explain the language processing requirements of proficient reading and writing ( A : 1 ).
• Define and identify environmental , cultural and social factors that contribute to literacy development ( A : 3 ).
• Know and identify phases in the typical developmental progression ( A : 4 )
• Understand and explain the known causal relationships among phonological skill , phonic decoding , spelling , accurate and automatic word recognition , text reading fluency , background knowledge , verbal reasoning skill , and vocabulary , reading comprehension and writing . ( A : 5 )
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ info @ pdxreadingspecialist . com u 503.747.3491 u www . pdxreadingspecialist . com 5285 Meadows Road , Suite 378 u Lake Oswego , OR 97035