Test Drive | Page 6

3. CREATE A PROS & CONS LIST You can begin to create your list by comparing each of the options you found against the 5 criteria we listed above. Should you have other criteria that you consider to be priority, don’t hesitate to add it on. Afterall, this is your investment so it needs to be tailored to your specific needs. 1. Qualifications of trainers and training program We can not stress just how crucial your trainer will be in determining whether or not you will get the most out of your training. Depending on how efficient and effectively you’d like to grow in your MMA journey, it may just be the determining factor in your selection process. As Jack of PRO MMA Now so eloquently said “Trees will be known by their fruit. Lineage in martial arts is important. Find out where the instructors got their credentials. Verify it”. If you’re looking into training camps in the US an example of a legitimate MMA teaching certification is one issued by The Professional Personal Trainers Association (PROPTA). If you’re looking for a well-rounded experienced MMA trainer, they may have more than one certification as each martial arts discipline offers different certifications. Nick & Diane of Eudo.org agreed that legitimate certification and expe