Test Drive | Page 14


5 . Location
If you are more serious about your training and looking to hone in your skills in MMA , location may not be a huge variable that you need to take into account in making your selection . You can instead focus on evaluating which options would best assist you in becoming the great MMA champion you are striving to become .
That said , if you ’ re looking to squeeze in some vacation time before , during and / or after your training , Roy of Kickboxing Planet , who is currently residing in Holland , suggests “ In Holland there are so many good gyms and a lot of kickboxing events every weekend . The level of striking is extremely high and you will probably learn at every gym you walk into . However , when it comes to weather , I would choose Thailand .”
Sean of Muay Thai Guy also shared his insights in terms of location : “ The people and the coaches make the place doesn ’ t matter if you are training in a remote place or in a busy city it all comes down to the people and how they treat you as an individual but if the camp is near a beach , that ’ s always a plus !”