Test Drive | Page 8

OPTICS / FLEDGLINGS THE QUANTUM ACADEMY THE CURATOR TEACHER Perspective of a Quantum Educator by Teacher Dealson Bagorio Education, as it is perceived to be a multifaceted profession, serves as the light which illumines our imagination. It calls for the enrichment of one’s critical thinking abilities and concerns to our society as responsible citizens. It radiates not only knowledge but also realities of life. As a curator teacher, the emphasis on student-oriented and active learning without sacrificing fact-oriented level of understanding plus the value of respect are deemed vital tools of proper learning. As we divulge in truthful learning in the educative process, students will learn fully and rightfully. Construing diverging intricacies of the learning process is unveiling true education. The Nature of the School and Education Education is the very foundation of human development as it involves learning the essences, practices and the ways of different human aspects (intelligence, personality development, beliefs, traditions, culture, morality, etc.). Education helps in developing responsible citizens by reinforcing respect for self and for others. A school is like a book of knowledge which purposely informs, transmits knowledge and reconstructs society as it presents valuable information needed for learning and honing of individual values. Schools’ main societal role is to develop the future builders of the nation. As schools