Test Drive | Page 16

OPTICS / FLEDGLINGS THE QUANTUM ACADEMY Sho ents Stud ntum ua ntra Q in I ess row P by: Aeron Sanidad T he Quantum Academy students displayed their athletic abilities and put on a spectacular performance as they participated in this year’s Intramurals held at The Quantum Academy grounds, January 16-19. The Intramurals, which was held over a four-day period, was participated by six different teams: Grade 7A (Orange Pride), Grade 7B (Brown Pride), Grade 8A (Pink Panters), Grade 8B (Gray Panters), Grade 9 (Black Stallions), and the Grade 10 (Ravens). Each team led by its Mr. and Ms. Intramurals candidates. The basketball games came after the parade and as expected, were watched on by hordes of fans from the different teams. The Grades 10, 8A, and 7A won their games comfortably. The table tennis game came next where Grades 9, 8A, and 7B all won their games. After the table tennis games, the badminton players took the spotlight, with grades 7A, 8A, and 9 winning their preliminaries. At the end of the first day, the Grade 9 Stallions were leading by a big margin. The second day kicked off with the volleyball games which were hotly contested. The Grades 7A, 8B, and 9 won in the girls’ division while Grades 7A, 8A and 9 won in the boys’ divisions. But in the end, 16 I OPTICS / FLEDGLINGS 2014 the Grade 9 Stallions won in divisions. Later that day, the Mr. an Intramurals Talent Night was st with Ms. Grade 7A Aica Salan and Mr. Grade 9 JJ Juliano baggin “Best in Talent” titles. The third day, in parti hosted the table tennis champio games and was won by the Grad Sophomore Pink Panthers. The and Ms. Intramurals Award was held later that day, with Gr Representative JJ Juliano and G 8B Representative Sheila Mae A winning H]X