Test Drive | Page 30

Tehničar 2016. 30 they can give us information about how and why they do certain things. Most people see diversity as a good thing because it gives everyone a chance to experience different things that are not a part of what they are normally accustomed to. What is more, if everyone only spoke one language, it would make us feel like we are just a part of one big generic group of people. No individuals to stand out, no different minorities, no jobs for translators. The best examples of positive aspects of diversity are some of the creations, inventions, solutions and contributions of various cultures: music and musical instruments, dances, works of art, plants, clothes and unique foods and drinks. Also, it is important that languages interact because every language includes words for things that do not exist in all cultures. To sum up, a diverse community teaches us to value the difference in people and cultures. It would be dull and boring to travel around Europe and see the exact same sort of tree everywhere. Speaking only one language would become uninteresting with time. Just like trees, languages should be different. Differences arouse excitement in us. Learning other languages is a way to have an enriching experience. So let's plant some trees! 35