Test Drive | Page 14

I M P O R TA N T D AT E S F O R O U R S PA R K ! D I G I T A L L E A R N I N G I N I T I A T I V E : 21st century learning New this summer, Spark! DC Dispatch is where scholars will have an opportunity to gain early access to their chromebooks by attending one of the trainings below! And back by popular demand our Spark parent meeting! Tr a d i t i o n a l C l a s s r o o m s . . . 21st Century Classrooms... Socratic Rote Memorization Global Approach Strength-Based Argument Discussion Design Thinking Game-Based Direct Instruction Teacher as Sage on the Stage Project-Based Learning Flipped Classrooms Challenge-Based Learning Personalized Learning Outdoor Learning Multiple Intelligences Growth Mindset Teacher as guide on the side Mindfulness Immerse scholars in beauty STEAM and instill a sense of wonder D I D YO U K N OW ? ! ? SPARK! ?’s Contact: 1 2 Mr. William Seidel Vice Principal [email protected] 3 SPARK! DC Dispatch: Tu e s . J u l y 1 9 t h 6-8th Gr: 9-11am H i g h S c h o o l : 1-3 p m Classrooms look a little different around OSOTA. Buzz words you may hear: PBLProject Based Learning, CBL-Challenge Based Learning, Flipped Classrooms--short videos viewed as homework introduce concepts so classroom time can be hands-on doing, H I G H S C H O O L : G PA’ S , C R E D I T S & SCHEDULES OH MY! SPARK! DC Dispatch: Tu e s . A u g u s t 2 n d : 6-8th Grade: 9-11am H i g h S c h o o l : 1-3 p m Our Administration Team will be scheduling times this summer with IMAGE BOXES families to talk through high school expectations and academic plans. In the fall, grade levels will meet with administration and teachers highlighting college and career readiness. Mrs. Hellender is excited SPARK! Parent Meeting: Sat. August 27th Elementary: 9-10am MS/HS: 10-11am to provide personal guidance to each of our scholars. We will also be returning to Full Sail Labs and providing opportunities throughout the year for scholars to experience other colleges and universities as we Mrs. Darlene Hellender, Principal [email protected] prepare them for future success.