Test Drive | Page 7

C MHA - Calgary’s Street Outreach and Stabilization (SOS) team was honoured at United Way of Calgary and Area’s Spirits of Gold Awards ceremony for their work in linking hard-to-reach homeless individuals who are experiencing mental health concerns to essential services within the community. United Way's Spirits of Gold Awards recognize and celebrate the spirit and generosity of the people, agencies and workplaces that displayed outstanding leadership and dedication during their Annual Campaign. The George Blondeau Award recognizes agencies and their employees whom demonstrate a real commitment to support the Aboriginal community and build awareness to both the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal community through their services. Criteria for the award was that the program must demonstrate an internal policy to actively include Aboriginal peoples; implement inclusion and consultation practices of Aboriginal peoples in service design, cultural practices, and governance; and include knowledge and awareness of the topic of intergenerational trauma. For many homeless men and women in Calgary the SOS program is the first step towards healing and support. SOS connects directly with these homeless individuals in the community, addressing their most basic needs and supporting the development of daily life skills. Statistics Canada show that only two per cent of Calgarians are Aboriginal, yet they represent about 15 per cent of homeless men and women. Because of that, a specialized program was set up to respond to the unique needs of the Aboriginal homeless population. To encourage trust and establish a forum for peer support, each Aboriginal SOS coordinator is also a member of the Aboriginal community. Together, with other CMHA - Calgary programs, the SOS team’s commitment to the Aboriginal community continues to build a stronger Calgary that supports mental health for all. Annual Report to the Community 2013-2014 cmha-2013-ar.indd 5 5 14-06-23 1:05 PM