Test Drive December 2015 | Page 28

BEAUTY BEAUTIFY WITH CASTOR OIL T here’s no escaping it: castor oil is making a comeback. Sure it’s been around for a long time, but for many, it’s just newly making waves on the online beauty scene (all that talk about castor oil cleansing!). Well, this uber-rich oil shouldn’t only be used as part of this skincare trend as it has many uses. For years, this oil has been used for a number of things from cleansing, liver detoxification, and eyelash thickening. Read on for seven ways you can use castor oil to beautify your skin and body! 1. To Cleanse Let’s start by talking about the oil cleansing method. You may have heard of it as many beauty bloggers tout it as a great way to remove dirt and impurities without stripping the skin. Castor is the most common oil to use because its viscous texture gives it the ability to loosen toxins from the skin. However, not all skin types can use this oil as castor is very stimulating. I recommend either diluting it or starting with a less stimulating oil (such as coconut) and phasing it in gradually. BEAUTY 2. Nail Nourishment Brittle nails? Dried out cuticles? Castor oil is an excellent treatment on our finger tips because it is probably the richest oil on the market - its texture is downright “gluey”. But this makes for a great protective barrier for weak nails in need of nourishment and shielding. It super moisturizes! Also, castor oil stimulates blood flow to the area. Since our extremities are the last to receive circulation, this helps to encourage blood to these tissues. 3. Relieve Constipation for Clearer Skin Castor oil is a powerful laxative. It really gets things moving! This is no secret; people have been using it forever for moving toxins through the GI tract. I’ve also used castor oil as part of an Ayurvedic detox. This is important because our complexions are very connected to bowel health. Constipation can lead to acne, breakouts, dehydration and inflammation. In fact, one Ayurvedic Doctor told me that people with high Pitta and breakouts should take one to two spoons of castor oil per month as a bowel and liver detoxifier. 4. Thicken Your Lashes This old tip was told to me by a makeup artist who has been using it for years! This oil promotes hair growth because of its circulation-stimulatin