Terrier Volume 79, Number 1 - Fall 2015 | Page 45

St. Francis College Statement of Activities For the year ended June 30, 2015, with summarized totals for 2014. T O TA L UN RE S T RI C T ED T EM P O R A RILY RE S T RI C T ED P ERM A N EN T LY RE S T RI C T ED 2015 2014 $57,611,4 31 $— $— $57,611,4 31 $ 5 4, 8 0 6, 8 9 9 (18 ,4 32,93 8) — — (18 ,4 32,93 8) (17, 8 07, 874) (2 9 8 ,70 9) — — (2 9 8 ,70 9) (2 93,79 6) 38,879,78 4 — — 38,879,78 4 36,705,229 511,9 45 — — 511,9 45 5 0 5,5 5 4 Gifts and private grants 1,975,79 6 2,0 52,132 — 4,0 27,928 2, 3 3 9,15 3 Investment return used for operations 3,6 6 6,017 — — 3,6 6 6,017 3,78 6, 873 Other 2,18 5,9 0 0 — — 2,18 5,9 0 0 1,9 6 4,49 6 Net assets released from restrictions 1, 270,6 69 (1, 270,6 69) — — — 48,490,111 781,463 — 49,271,574 45,301,305 19,6 3 9,519 — — 19,6 3 9,519 18 ,715,528 4,74 3,4 01 — — 4,74 3,4 01 4,70 9,478 Student services 10, 814, 378 — — 10, 814, 378 11,0 0 8 ,0 69 Institutional support 12, 323, 352 — — 12, 323, 352 11,575,518 47,520,650 — — 47,520,650 46,008,593 969,461 781,463 — 1,750,924 (707,288) 28 5,4 35 9 0, 232 579, 218 95 4, 8 8 5 1,018 , 3 3 6 Capital campaign expenses (75 3,918) — — (75 3,918) (6 6 6,4 8 0) Capital project expenses (5 8 5,12 0) — — (5 8 5,12 0) (310,759) (2, 8 21,9 9 4) 2 9 9,6 6 8 — (2,52 2, 326) 6, 23 0,15 5 (613,0 8 3) — — (613,0 8 3) (3 0 3,16 8) — — — — 718 ,6 5 6 Changes in net assets from nonoperating activities (4,488,680) 389,900 579,218 (3,519,562) 6,686,740 Changes in net assets (3,519,219) 1,171,363 579,218 (1,768,638) 5,979,452 80,139,692 9,904,034 11,549,112 101,592,838 95,613,386 $76,620,473 $11,075,397 $12,128,330 $99,824,200 $101,592,838 O PER ATIN G RE V ENUE S A ND SUP P O RT Student tuition and fees College scholarships Federal financial assistance Net tuition and fees Government appropriations Total operating revenues and support O P E R AT I N G E X P E N S E S Instruction Academic support Total operating expenses Changes in net assets from operating activities N O N O P E R AT I N G A C T I V I T I E S Gifts and private grants Investment return net of amounts in support of operations Early retirement expense Gain on sale of fixed assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year S T. FR A NC I S COL L EGE  |  2014–2015 A NNUA L DONOR R EPOR T  41