Terrier Volume 78, Number 2 - Fall 2014 | Page 31

St. Francis College Statement of Activities For the year ended June 30, 2014, with summarized totals for 2013. T O TA L UN RE S T RI C T ED T EM P O R A RILY RE S T RI C T ED P ERM A N EN T LY RE S T RI C T ED 2014 2013 $ 5 4, 8 0 6, 8 9 9 $— $— $ 5 4, 8 0 6, 8 9 9 $  52,070,0 37 (17, 8 07, 874) — — (17, 8 07, 874) (16,6 8 4,475) (2 93,79 6) — — (2 93,79 6) (316,0 41) 36,705,229 — — 36,705,229 35,069,521 5 0 5,5 5 4 — — 5 0 5,5 5 4 5 01,18 5 Gifts and private grants 1,6 4 0,10 6 69 9,0 47 — 2, 3 3 9,15 3 2,16 0,9 91 Investment return used for operations 3,78 6, 873 — — 3,78 6, 873 3, 370,711 Other 1,9 6 4,49 6 — — 1,9 6 4,49 6 1,615,723 Net assets released from restrictions 1,579,0 35 (1,579,0 35) — — — 46,181,293 (879,988) — 45,301,305 42,718,131 18 ,715,528 — — 18 ,715,528 17, 3 07,5 5 6 4,70 9,478 — — 4,70 9,478 4,59 8 ,911 Student services 11,0 0 8 ,0 69 — — 11,0 0 8 ,0 69 10,697,0 8 4 Institutional support 11,575,518 — — 11,575,518 11,9 95,626 46,008,593 — — 46,008,593 4 4,599,177 172,700 (879,988) — (707,288) (1,881,046) Gifts and private grants 18 8 ,916 110, 3 6 6 719,0 5 4 1,018 , 3 3 6 1,591,0 5 3 Gain on sale of fixed assets 718 ,6 5 6 — — 718 ,6 5 6 — Capital campaign expenses (6 6 6,4 8 0) — — (6 6 6,4 8 0) (95 6,624) Capital project expenses (310,759) — — (310,759) (3 69, 323) 3, 8 8 5,923 2, 3 4 4, 232 — 6, 23 0,15 5 4,6 8 2,16 8 (3 0 3,16 8) — — (3 0 3,16 8) (5 4 8 ,0 3 9) Changes in net assets from nonoperating activities 3,513,088 2,454,598 719,054 6,686,740 4,399,235 Changes in net assets 3,685,788 1,574,610 719,054 5,979,452 2,518,189 76,453,904 8,329,424 10,830,058 95,613,386 93,095,197 $80,139,692 $9,904,034 $11,549,112 $101,592,838 $ 95,613,386 O PER ATIN G RE V ENUE S A ND SUP P O RT Student tuition and fees College scholarships Federal financial assistance Net tuition and fees Government appropriations Total operating revenues and support O P E R AT I N G E X P E N S E S Instruction Academic support Total operating expenses Change ́