PART 4: Leaving a tenancy after giving or receiving notice Preparing to leave the property • Discuss the return of the bond with your landlord or agent. • Take your belongings with you. • Provide a forwarding address. • Finalise any outstanding rent and bills. Agreeing on the return of the bond At the end of a tenancy you and your landlord should: • attempt to agree on how the bond money is to be divided. For example, there may be some property damage that needs repair • set out the agreed division in a ‘Bond Claim’ form, signed by both parties, which is sent to the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA) • use a new ‘Bond Claim’ form if any changes need to be made, as the RTBA will not accept a form that has been altered in any way. Your landlord may claim part of the bond. When any part of the bond is to be paid to the landlord, the form cannot be signed more than seven days before the end of the tenancy. A completed ‘Bond Claim’ form can be submitted to the RTBA at any time after the end of the tenancy. There is no time limit for submitting it. When the RTBA receives a correctly completed ‘Bond Claim’ form, it repays the bond directly into the nominated bank account. If you have not provided valid bank account details, but have provided a forwarding address, the RTBA will send a cheque. If you share a tenancy, the RTBA will not pay out part of the bond if a tenant leaves. Adjustments of bond contributions between outgoing and incoming tenants are a private matter between the tenants, but the RTBA must be told about any change of tenants during a tenancy on the RTBA ‘Tenant Transfer’ form. Remember: Never sign a ‘Bond Claim’ form that does not show the amount you are to receive. It is against the law for a landlord or agent to request or obtain your signature if the form does not show how the bond amount is to be refunded and distributed. 35