Technology for Education | Page 2

KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices

Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only


Mobilities for students and teachers.

Observations and evaluations will be implemented.


Celsiusskolan 7-9 Edsbyn -SWEDEN COORDINATOR

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Enrico Fermi"-Vittoria -ITALY

Portugal February 2017 06

Sweden November 2016

lar 04

Italy April 2017


Agrupamento Vertical Escolas do Viso -Porto-PORTUGAL


Romania November 2017

Liceul Teoretic "Sfantu Nicolae" Gheorgheni-Romania

Ozel Vatan Ortaokulu-Bagcilar-TURKEY

Turkey February 2018

trategic Partnerships are cooperation projects

which bring together organisations from

different countries to work towards common objectives. Projects can be of different size and

scope, depending on the needs and goals of the applicants.