Team Talk 19 | Page 12

None of us have it all worked out and all of us can still be profoundly challenged by Jesus, no matter how young or old our faith. And at times we may even question whether we’ve got our faith right at all! This is no problem, it just needs us to trust, remain faithful and work it through, just like John. 7. Oppose injustice & corruption John, in the tradition of the great prophets of Israel railed at injustice. The law given by God was there to protect all people and it’s kings were appointed by God to uphold righteousness. This was not the case in John’s day. The ruler in his region was the tetrarch Herod Antipas, who just like his tyrannical father, Herod the Great, over indulged his own power for personal gain while remaining subservient to Rome’s interests (not God’s). John wouldn’t have a bar of it. Herod Antipas had contravened Jewish law by marrying his brother’s wife and he protested loudly about it as well as all the other evil things he was doing as ruler. But it all got too much for Herod (and his wife Herodias) so John was arrested and locked up deep inside his palace fortress. It may not need us calling out in the desert like John but we can sure howl at the gross injustices in this world. Learning to see the world as God sees, to remember what he says is right and wrong should always drive us to put it right. 8. Don’t compromise your convictions The story of John the Baptist’s life takes an extraordinary macabre twist. So strange as to what happens next, it couldn’t possibly be made up! John had been languishing for a period of time in jail under Herod’s control. But one night during one of Herod’s more outrageous parties, the drunk Herod demanded his step daughter dance in front of the party in return for her having whatever she requested. Of course there was a darker sexual motive to all this but Herod’s wife seized her opportunity and instructed her daughter, Salome, to request the head of John the Baptist on a platter. She duly did and Herod had to honour his word. John was beheaded, his life ended as a martyr. But John’s witness and ministry was felt far beyond his own short life. He had awakened the people’s conscience but paid the ultimate price. The question is, would we be prepared to face the same consequences for our faith as many Christians around the world have to do? John’s life is an inspiration for us. The last great prophet of the Old Covenant, a forerunner for the new. The impact we could have could be so significant if we pursued even just a little of God’s righteousness the way that John the Baptist did. Jeremiah 30:17 12 'For I will restore you to health And I will heal you of your wounds,' declares the LORD, 'Because they have called you an outcast, saying: "It is Zion; no one cares for her."