TEAM INFINITY January 2018 | Page 77

Get out of the habit of making a coffee and watching the TV instead read self-development books for about 20 minutes a day or listen to audio or you tube videos on self-development.

Good habits and a morning routine are critical for lifetime success. A morning routine sets the tone for the whole day, and if you do it each day right, you’ll be happier and focused for the whole day ahead. Try and stick to the same routine every day so you get into good habits.

Then comes the exercise, a 30 min cardio of exercise is a great way to start your day it gets your blood pumping, releasing feel-good endorphins, and increases oxygen flow to the brain. Some people choose to do yoga which is another great way to start your day!

Shower, do your hair, get dressed and show up!

It’s now time to….$LAY YOUR DAY!

'Be the change you want to see in the world'