TEAM INFINITY January 2018 | Page 73

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Creating a strong content marketing campaign for your event is a crucial step on the way to securing a sell-out. An event campaign is a living, breathing entity and it is as unpredictable as it is exciting. Schedule changes are frequent in the lead-up and can impact content planning and output.

Creating strong content to accompany your event will set the tone from the very start – you can communicate information that will trigger excitement in those who already have their tickets and a sense of curiosity in those potential ticket buyers.

It is therefore essential to have a plan in place. These top tips will help in making sure you stay on track to achieve your campaign objectives and see ROI from your event’s marketing efforts.

1. The strategy

It is important to know from the very start what it is that you want to achieve and how you are going to do this. The strategy is the document you will go back to time and time again throughout the pre-event prep and the execution. Within this document, you should identify your objectives, your audience and the channels available to reach them. Once these are set, look at the specifics…

What is the paid media budget? What are the key pillars? Who are the right influencers to share your event content with their networks? How are you distributing content, post-event? Make sure that all steps are covered in one over-arching document and that all team members have access.

2. Audience

Know who you are creating content for – what are they interested in and where do they hang out online? By having set personas for your event, you can be more targeted and deliver tailored content directly to them. If this isn’t your first event of its kind, use data gathered from previous events to help you identify the type of attendee who will be interested.

Depending on the platform you use for ticket sales, you can access varying levels of data. On Facebook, for example, there are three key audiences to consider – saved audiences, custom audiences, and lookalike audiences. The targeting options available on the platform allow an incredible level of reach and allow organisers to use re-targeting in order to secure more ticket sales.