TEAM INFINITY December 2017 | Page 63

This will bring the compound effect into play (A great book called the compound effect by Darren Hardy, it’s a game changer!).

The compound effect is doing the smallest of things consistently which amounts to huge results further down the line. So by cutting out that daily coffee a day from one of those coffee chains which charge on average around £3.60 per cup, within one week you would save £25.20 so not a huge amount of money. Within one year you would have saved £1,314.00 which is better but over five years you would have saved around £6,570.00!!

Crazy hey?!

Just think what you could do with that money?

Pay for that holiday you struggle to save for, re decorate the house, buy a second car maybe?

So start today, start writing down all of the things you want in your life right now, what would make your life better than it is today, where do you want to travel, do you want to learn a new language, have more money, be fitter, get married and start a family.

Then you need to see what you need to do in order to achieve these goals so how much would it cost, how are you going to save that money, what do I need to work on in my business in order to achieve my goals, what nutritional diet and fitness plan do I need to get fitter and healthier.

This is your life so you may as well try and create the life that you want because nobody else is going to do it for you, set some goals, design a plan and stick to the plan and you will be amazed at what you can achieve! Don't look back five years from now in the same position wishing you had done more.