Section 2 The aim of this section is to put theory into practice by presenting two lessons which were prepared according to the criteria analyzed in section 1. Lesson 1 is an adapted text from the students’ course book while Lesson 2 is based on an authentic text. 2. Lesson 1 2.1The aims of the lesson The aims of the lesson were to help students develop both top-down and bottom-up approaches in order to be able to take meaning from texts and to help them read flexibly according to the purpose of reading. 2.2. The objectives At the end of the lesson student would be able to:  use skimming in order to understand the overall organization of a text and get the gist.  use scanning to locate specific information.  make inferences.  guess the meaning of words from the context.  understand cohesive ties and anaphoric relations.  relate personal experiences to new knowledge and practice extensive reading. 2.3 General information The text was taken from Funway English 3 (Σεπυργιώτη κ.ά. 1998) which is the students’ course book.( see appendix II) It is a specially written text about the Yanomanis, an Indian tribe in the Amazon river. The text was not accompanied by any tasks aiming at practicing reading so the teacher made the text adapted by devising his own tasks.( see appendix III) 2.4. Description and justification The lesson is organized in pre-, while- and post-reading activities.(see lesson plan, appendix I, p.i) Their role is analysed below. 15