Teaching Oral Skills Communicatively | Page 27

Task 5 6 min Students listen again. They have to find the chronological sequence of events by putting some verbs in the correct order. Then they compare their answers. This activity helps The students understand text the chronological sequence of events in a narrative. listening Task 6 7 min Students listen once more. Now they have to extend the verbs from the previous task into elaborate sentences. Using these notes they will try to narrate the story. By enriching their The notes with information text about who did what the children get more information which they will use to produce controlled speech. This activity integrates listening with speaking listening Post-reading activities Task 7 10 min Students have to use the notes from tasks 4 and 5 in order to write the story in a form of a report .Students read their reports to the class. This activity integrates listening with writing. Students produce written language out of notes which gives them the chance to use the information they have acquired for a communicative purpose. It also helps them understand the differences between spoken and written language. The teacher should not insist on accuracy as the important thing is that students can use the language for communication. 27