Teaching Oral Skills Communicatively | Page 26

The main body Pre-reading activities Tasks Time Activity procedure Justification Materials Comments This activity helps students recall what they know about traffic accidents and recall relevant scripts. They will later be able to compare their story to what they listen to. Four pictures showing a car accident, a road, a hospital and a person carried on a stretcher. Different stories will be devised and the teacher has to accept every reasonable one. Task 1 8 min Students work in pairs. They look at some pictures and they have to use the pictures in order to make a story which will narrate to class. Task 2 5 min Children are told that Giving tasks before they will listen to a listening helps story. Before they listen children acquire a they work in pairs purpose for listening trying to guess what the and they create certain story is about and how expectations which they think it happened. they will later confirm They narrate their story or reject. to the class very briefly. While-reading activities Task 3 5 min Task …4 5 min Children listen to the story and confirm, reject or modify their guesses. Finally they are asked to give a title to the story. They discuss the titles with their partner and announce them to the class. Students work in pairs . They listen to the story again. Now they listen for details in order to fill in a grid. The grid contains some similar information so they know what it is