Teaching English in the Priy Classroom | Page 61

I give students spelling exercises Never 3% Always 6% Rarely 12% Usually 41% Sometimes 38% Figure 21 The frequency to which respondents give students spelling exercises I ask from students to repeat chorally new words or phrases in order to learn them Never 9% Rarely 9% Sometimes 31% Always 17% Usually 34% Figure 22. The frequency to which respondents ask students to repeat chorally new words or phrases Concerning error correction, figure 23 below shows that 30% of respondents stop their students in order to correct them (see also appendix IV, p. 127, table 70) either always or usually, while, according to figure 24, respondents put priority to the correction of meaning errors over grammatical ones. When students produce an erroneous utterance, I correct them immediately Never 3% Always 3% Usually 27% Rarely 27% Sometimes 40% Figure 23. The frequency to which respondents resort to immediate correction 61