Teaching East Asia: Korea Teaching East Asia: Korea | Page 39

Research Projects on the Silla Dynasty ( 57 B . C . E-935 C . E .)
The Lesson : Korean Ingenuity Grades : Middle and High School Subjects : Ancient History , World History , Asian Studies and Art History Time : One or more class periods Objectives :
The lesson will provide an opportunity for students to complete short research projects to learn about the creativity of the early Koreans and their remarkable accomplishments . Students will work independently or in pairs to determine how one of the following selections reflects Korean ingenuity and understanding of Korean history and culture .
Information for student research and class presentations will be found on the Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project ( KSCPP ) website ( http : www . kscpp . net ); Fifty Wonders of Korea , Volume 1 : Culture and Art ; Fifty Wonders of Korea , Volume 2 : Science and Technology ; and the official internet site for the government of Republic of Korea ( http :// www . korea . net ). KSCPP will mail books free of charge to teachers who request books for classroom use . Information that responds to the following cultural treasures will also be found on Silla Korea and the Silk Road , Golden Age , Golden Threads on The Korea Society ’ s website ( http :// www . koreasociety . org ) and numerous helpful websites .
1 . Golden crown from Hwangnam Tumulus , Gyeongju , 5 th century CE , National Museum of Korea . The pure gold crowns of Silla are the foremost example