Teaching East Asia: Korea Teaching East Asia: Korea | Page 17

Korea and California History-Social Science Framework (2016) (A Guide for Educators throughout the United States) (New References to Korea in the 2016 Framework are in bold) Teaching East Asia: Korea Lessons and Resources for K-12 Classrooms Author/Editor - Mary E. Connor [email protected] NationalKoreanStudies.com Kindergarten – Learning and Working Now and Long Ago Standard K.1 Students understand that being a good citizen involves acting in certain ways. a. To support ideas of good citizenship, teachers could introduce stories, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes that incorporate conflict and raise values that are both interesting and understandable for young children. This would be an opportunity to read Korean folktales that reveal Confucian values on respect and benevolence, filial devotion, and loyalty. See www.kscpp.net for book or audio book, Chung Hyo Ye (Tales of filial devotion, loyalty, respect and benevolence from the history and folklore of Korea) and/or www.KoreaSociety.org, Korean Studies, Monographs and Lesson Plans, Introduction to Korea through Art and Folk Tales (Lessons for K-6 grades). b. Students further their study of good citizenship by learning about people who exhibit honesty, courage, determination, individual responsibility, and patriotism in American and world history. Teachers may introduce students to important historical figures who exhibit these characteristics such as King Sejong and Admiral Yi. See lesson on Four Famous Koreans and books on King Sejong, Admiral Yi, and Queen Seondok available through Korean Spirit and Culture Promotion Project (www.kscpp.net.). You may see the links to download these books on the website section of the book. Grade One – A Child’s Place in Time and Space Standard 1.4 (3) Recognize similarities of earlier generations in such areas as work (inside and outside the home), dress, manners, stories, games, and festivals, drawing from biographies, oral histories, and folklore. This allows for stories from parents and grandparents on what life was like at an earlier time. 17