Teaching East Asia: Korea Teaching East Asia: Korea | Page 110

Asia in AP , IB , and Undergraduate Honors Courses
that are either authoritarian or ineffectual . As Central Asia ’ s people consider their future , Islam and democracy both play a central role . However , they are far from agreement about the relationship between these two concepts . For some , Islam is itself democratic at its roots ; and the social justice , equality , and governmental transparency associated with working democracy are attainable through an Islamic-based system of government and ethics . For others , Islam demands a morality , discipline , and organization of social relations that are incompatible with Western-style democracy . Thus , Central Asia presents not only a range of ways of being Muslim , but also a variety of debates over how and whether Islam will be integrated into the region ’ s future . What parallels might be drawn between the debates over the role of Islam in Central Asian societies and debates over the role of Christianity or Christian values in American society ?
Of all of the states of Central and Southwest Asia , Afghanistan is the one best-known to Americans . After decades of war , it remains a society very much divided over what its future will be . The US overthrow of the Taliban in the early 2000s put an end to the strict Islamic regime that had been in place since 1992 . The regime removed women from the workplace ; banned music , cinema , and kite flying ; set strict dress codes for men and women ; and became known for its graphic executions of those found to be in violation of its laws . Since then , new opportunities have appeared , particularly for women who have opened businesses , sought out higher education , and become part of daily life in the streets of large cities such as Kabul . For examples of this , see the videos “ First Woman to Own a Driver ’ s License in Afghanistan ” and “ After the Taliban — Afghan Ladies Driving School ,” or read an article on a female Afghani taxi driver . Students may also enjoy debating the significance of the hijab — the traditional veil worn by Muslim females . Is it oppressive and a threat to democracy , or is it empowering for women and an emblem of religious freedom ? How could it be seen as both ?
“ CNN : First Woman to Own a Driver ’ s License in Afghanistan .” YouTube video , 2:01 . Posted by CNN . December 27 , 2010 . http :// tinyurl . com / zbcd54e .
“ After the Taliban — Afghan Ladies Driving School — BBC .” YouTube video , 3 : 45 . Posted by BBCWorldwide . June 29 , 2007 . http :// tinyurl . com / zvuzqsm .
Associated Press adapted by Newsela staff . “ Afghan Woman Drives Taxi , Defies Threats .” Newsela . Last modified March 12 , 2015 . http :// tinyurl . com / hvqydw5 .
Screen captures from Part II “ Untouchability & Casteism ( Castes )” on YouTube at http :// tinyurl . com / zbllt5k .
All Men are Created Equal ? The Debate over Caste in India Today , India is the world ’ s largest democracy . How did it get there , and what unique obstacles did it have to
overcome ? Begin an examination of caste in India with an exercise in recognizing privilege and opportunity . Students can then read Robert Deliege ’ s “ Caste , Class , and Untouchability ,” which provides a fine introduction to the anthropology of caste and how it has evolved , 3 followed by a National Geographic article on untouchability in India today . Do we have castes in America ? Consider your own social boundaries in endogamy and commensality ; do you see trends in yourself , your family , and your communities ? As an illustration , invite students to answer questions that demonstrate their own social boundaries . How do you decide who to invite to your birthday parties ? How do you decide who to sit by at lunch ? When going to school dances , how do you decide who to ask ? Why does your family socialize with some neighbors and not with others ?
After recognizing the existence of social boundaries in our own lives and society , watch Richard Attenborough ’ s classic 1982 film Gandhi , a dramatization of the life and work of a man who led India to independence , available through online video services such as Amazon Prime and VUDU . How were the fights for independence , the fight against untouchability , and achieving democracy all interrelated ?
Pyle , Nathan W . “ This Teacher Taught His Class a Powerful Lesson About Privilege .” BuzzFeed . Last modified November 21 , 2014 . http :// tinyurl . com / j8jptre .
O ’ Neill , Tom . “ Untouchable .” National Geographic . June 2003 . http :// tinyurl . com / km2my8 .
Democracy in Japan and Environmental Disaster Provide students with an overview of the Allied Occupation of postwar Japan and the conversion of Japan into
a Western-style democracy using readings from John Dower ’ s Pulitzer Prize-winning book Embracing Defeat , including chapter 12 on the drafting of the Shōwa Constitution by a small group of mostly American civilians , along with part 5 of The Pacific Century documentary “ Reinventing Japan ,” available on YouTube . 4 These provide
8 Education About ASIA Volume 21 , Number 1 Spring 2016