Teacher Treasure Hunter Spring 2015 | Page 10

[4] Have a spring clean Discuss the symbolic aspects of spring arriving it’s time to shake off the dust and darkness of winter and celebrate starting anew! * Head outside to a grassy spot and dramatically encourage the children to “get some fresh air”, “shake off the dust or blow the cobwebs out!” Take off your shoes and feel the fresh grass underneath your feet, feel the wind in your hair and embrace some “Spring fever…” Use one of these sayings above to create some spring artworks for a dark corner of your classroom. * Dust off all those toys and activities that have been under wraps during winter and rediscover simple fun outdoor activities such as hopscotch, skipping, drawing on the concrete with chalk, kite flying and tree climbing… * Clean out their desks/lockers and discuss things in nature that are also starting anew (birds building nests, planting springing back into life, insects starting new life cycles etc.). [5] Outdoor Spring Activities * Make bark or leaf rubbings (all you need are crayons and paper – encourage the children to use the flat side of a crayon and long smooth strokes. Cut out, assemble and frame the best rubbings when you get back to class)