TEAC Conference Report Dec. 2015 | Page 16

September 25th Day 2: Interactive workshops The first day of the conference provided an introduction and welcome, especially on the broad topics relevant for the community and from different stakeholder perspectives. The second day was dedicated to interactive discussions amongst members and other professionals on two topics: e-participation, on one side and funding for telecentres, on the other. The first morning session introduced the new topic of e-participation to the telecentre community and promoted the results of the E-uropa project. The second session was about providing a space for participants to find partners and discuss concrete project ideas. 16 Gabriel Rissola introduced the session and defined the main concepts. He defined e-participation as being about citizens’ participation in administration, service delivery, decision making and policy making. While e-governance consists of top-down government initiatives, e-participation is a wider concept including all stakeholders in the democratic decisionmaking process. E-participation tools are the ICT solutions that governments use to provide public services and that citizens use to engage in the policy making process and contribute to it. These tools range from 1. Learning session and discussion: e-Participation voting and polling online, campaigning through web in theory and in practice surveys, online petitions and consultations, to civil society forums and platforms to participate and Speakers: have a say in societal and political issues. • Marija Kujacic (Serbian Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self Government) The first speaker, Marija Kujacic provided the • Vukosava Crnjanski (CRTA- Serbian Centre for perspective of the Serbian government and policy research, transparency and accountability) makers. She explained the three-level model of • Vladimir Radunovic (DiploFoundation, Serbia) measuring e-participation, introducing the concepts of e-information, e-consultation and e-decision The European making. United Nations has developed an index e-participation session was to measure countries on their e-participation level organised by Telecentre and in the case of Serbia, in 2014 they only ranked Europe, the leading partner 81st - so there is still a lot of room for improvement. in the E-uropa project They were assessed on such criteria as presence (euparticipation.org). TE’s of e-consultation mechanism, social networking Managing Director Gabriel features on government sites and easy access Rissola moderated the to datasets amongst other criteria. Netherlands session. The purpose of was identified as the world leading country in the session was to get the e-participation. telecentre community interested in the broad topics of e-participation and active citizenship. This was done through learning from people already active in the field (local practitioners from Serbia) and then reflecting together on what our organisations can do in their own countries to boost e-participation, both in national and EU decision processes.