Te Toi Ahorangi Strategy Public Engagement | Page 22

Te Toi o nga R'gi VOYAGING TO TOI ORA Just as Tāwhaki ascended to Te Toi o Ngā Rangi in pursuit of knowledge, these same qualities propelled our ancestors on their voyages across vast oceans, guided by the sun, the moon, the stars, and a desire to determine their own future. Similarly, we are motivated by a collective vision to realise Toi Ora for our people living in Te Moana ā Toi. We imagine a flourishing future in 2030, a time where we will see more of our people thriving and living like our tūpuna, upholding our mana as tangata whenua and as mokopuna of Toi. Our strategic approach draws on He Pou Oranga Tangata Whenua and He Korowai Oranga, providing us with our Toi Ora compass. It is this compass that will enable us to collectively chart our way towards Toi Ora on Te Waka o Toi. Looking forward ten years, we envision that Te Waka o Toi will be strengthened by the interlacing of our partnership as iwi and the crown. The restoration of balance, power, equity and unity will carry the strategic direction of Te Toi Ahorangi and the aspirations of our people over the next decade. It is not enough to set a vision, without resourcing the voyage. We acknowledge that the cost of providing health services through the current model is unsustainable in the long term. If we continue to hope for Toi Ora and engage in a business as usual model - we know that nothing will change, Māori health outcomes may even worsen. The risks and impact of a fragmented, illness focused health system for tangata whenua are well evidenced. Together, we are determined that it is time for a paradigm shift in our health system. Te Waka o Toi, our Kaupapa Māori vessel for change will not only grow Bay of Plenty District Health Board as a leader of Māori Health in Aotearoa, but it will also make a real difference to the lived experiences of our people. Our whānau, hapū and iwi are at the heart of Te Toi Ahorangi. Come and join us on our journey. Be part of our crew of Te Waka o Toi. Mai i ngā Kuri ā Whārei ki Tihirau Toi Tū Te Tini o Toi! 22 | Te Toi Ahorangi 2030 Draft Māori Health Strategy