Taste Of Khaos #4 | Page 12


I'm a fan of several bands from the recent wave of new thrash acts, with their retro sounds that hark back to the good old days of long hair and jean jackets full of patches. But this album doesn't carry that sort of nostalgia with it at all. Of course, there's nothing inherently wrong with that. Not every new thrash act has to sound like they just stepped out of the '80s. There's simply nothing particularly interesting here. It's just 10 songs that all sound about the same with little to no variation in tempo or mood. That carries on for about a half hour (while feeling more like an hour) and when it's over there's nothing for Nuclear to hang their hat on. By Mike Ramirez



Nuclear-Formula For Anarchy

FOREFATHER-The Fighting Man


This album is an instant awesome onslaught of molten metal madness. It's unrelenting, dynamic through and through. I wish the vocals were a bit more powerful in places, and maybe if the riffs themselves stood out just a bit more in the mix, this thing would slay even more so, as it stands is is close to excellent. Some parts of this sound like classic metal, other areas have an individualistic yet sick and apprehensive brutality about it, things you can't ignore when being a metal fan. Favorite song? Each one has something I like, but the first one "The Fighting Man", to me stands out the most.

By Patrick Wooten
