Tarek El Mahaba March Issue | Page 41

The Samaritan Woman

“ God is Spirit , and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth .” ( John 4:24 ) On the fourth Sunday of great Lent , our beautiful church teaches us the story of the Samaritan woman . The Holy Gospel has not given us the name of that woman , but it is a story of repentance . The Samaritan woman lived an immoral life . She was getting water from the well , When the lord Jesus met her . He did not tell the Samaritan woman that He is the Lord Christ until she was spiritually ready . The Lord used what she possessed in her character . She knew lots of information about her religion and was good in debating and discussing issues . So , the Lord was so companionate and patient that He gradually educated and taught her in His loving
way until she was prepared to accept Him as the Christ the Savior . She marveled that the Lord spoke to her and knew her life . The Lord set her free from the bondage of sins . Then , she did not only repent but also preach the Lord Christ to
her own people and they believed . she went back into the town as a disciple of the Lord Christ and shared the joyful news with her fellow townspeople . As a result , she led a multitude of Samaritans back to the Lord
Christ and they believed that Jesus was the Son of the living God . . when we get astray , the Lord approaches us in various manners . All what we need to do is not to ignore like the rich young man from long ago but to respond like the Samaritan woman . The reason is that God thirsts to every one of us . When outreach from God ’ s side occurs , it leads to a turning point in our lives . Now it is the right time for us all to get closer to the Lord Almighty and enjoy His salvation , so , we may have a share and inheritance in the heavenly kingdom .