Tank Talk Magazine September 2010 | Page 33

33 Apistogramma trifasciata agriosz.atw.hu Rarely available Size/Length: Males 6cm Females 4cm Aquarium: Minimum 2ft, Lots of plants and bogwood. Rock formations will provide extra cover Water chemistry: pH 5 - 7.2 (6), 5 –10dH (5), 79-84°F (26-29°C) Social behaviour: A territorial fish that should be kept in a ratio of three to four female to every one male. This species is peaceful, outside of the spawning season, towards other fishes. Recommended tank mates: Small peaceful community species FOOD: Omnivore: commercially available flake and pellet foods, frozen or freeze- dried live foods. Apistogramma panduro Size/Length: Male 7cm, Female 5cm Aquarium: Minimum of 2ft, The tank should be well planted. Bog- wood is also recommended, as the tannins it releases will be beneficial to the water chemistry this species prefers. Water chemistry: pH 5 - 6.5 (6.5), 5 –10dH (5), 73 -82°F (25-28°C) Social behaviour: A territorial fish that should be kept in a ratio of three to four female to every one male. This species is peaceful, outside of the spawning season, towards other fishes. Recommended tank mates: Peaceful community species, Danios, Corydoras species, bristlenose, clown loaches FOOD Good quality cichlid pellet or flake, live or frozen foods, such as bloodworm or brine shrimp, spirulina or algae wafers. Chalinochromis brichardi Rarely seen in shops African cichlid, difficult to spawn. Size/Length: 10-12cm Aquarium: 100 litres with only one adult male in the aquarium. Filtration should be at very high level Water chemistry: pH 8– 8.9, 9 –20dH (5), 24-27°C Social behaviour: Pairing fish, territorial Recommended tank mates: Does best in a species specific environment FOOD: Frozen brine shrimp or bloodworms, commercially available flake and pellet foods.