Tank Talk Magazine December 2009 | Page 5

5 CANBERRA DISTRICTS AQUARIUM SOCIETY TREASURERS REPORT As Treasurer, I am pleased to say that the club bank balance is looking good with just over $3100 in the bank. We have continued to improve our financial security with, an increase in sales from the members only CDAS trade table, a slow increase in the auction commissions and an increase in raffle revenue. Thanks to our very generous sponsors who are donating prizes and money in these tough times. We have also had some generous donations from members in the way of fish for the raffles which also helps boost the raffle. We have had a slight decline in membership this year so if you know anyone who is interested in joining please try to get the along. Memberships were due in October so please renew and try as well as roping your friends in as well. So if you have not renewed since August then you membership has probably expired. We, the committee, have decided to go all out this Christmas and spend up big. As a way of thanks to our members we are planning to purchase goodie bags, hot finger food, plants and fish from Aquagreen along with various other things. These are going to be into member only raffles, member lucky door prizes and the CDAS sponsored auction. We plan to spend around $500 and have a great night. Recently we have purchased subscriptions to magazines (and ones straight from the newsagency) so we continue to improve the library. If you have any suggestions about where you would like to see us spend some of our money, please feel to approach me or any other committee member since the club is about you guys. Also if you wish to see fish on the conservation list feel free to ask us and we see what we can source. Also big thanks go out to all you members who are buying and selling goods at the auction and more importantly buying lots raffle tickets. Without the income from the raffles we would be in trouble, so keep up the good work. If you have any fundraising ideas please see me or one of the other committee members so we can keep our great club afloat. Cheers Andrew “Rosco” Ross