Talented October, 2012 | Page 15

and it still happens lol. But it seems to really come in handy when Im writing

Music because Im able to connect with the experience and express unreleased

emotions that can relate to so many others.

We know you have a brother. The two of you grew up in Connecticut raised

by two talented parents who gigged on the weekends to provide shelter and

food for both of you. That is the epitome of being a parent. What our readers

dont know is what relationship do you and your brother have today? Does he

do music with you? And is he incorporated in your rise to success at all?

Yes I am very grateful for my parents sacrifice ;-) My relationship with my

brother now is great & much better than it was when we were young. We had

the typical brother sister relationship growing up. All we did was purposely get

on each others nerves & make each other really really mad. Although I miss

those days lol, lifes journey has given us space & now we are like very close

friends. We are though actually very different because although my brother

really loves Music and can hear notes & match them pretty well. My brother

has always been into business & business management & thats what he

went on to pursue. So Im a proud sister that he followed his heart & now Im

a God-mother and an Aunt to his two children that give me more reason to

work hard to be successful.

Youve done a lot since your first single “Bcuz I luv u” in 2009. You have over

1 million digital copies sold from you self entitled album “Arika Kane” released

in August 2010, you have numerous theme songs in rotation thanks to VH1,

youve preformed with R&B legends in sold out arenas, and youve been all

over the Amazon and Itunes charts. Talented wants to know whats next in

solidifying Arika Kanes legacy in the music industry?