Tae Kwon Do Life Magazine September 2017 | Page 8

Team USA Wom en Br in g Hom e Silver s (Ju n e 30, 2017) ? Team USA r epeated its m edal count at the 2017 Wor ld Taekw ondo Cham pionships in M uju, Kor ea, but upgr aded the color of the m edals. Follow ing up on their br onze-m edal per for m ances at the 2015 Wor ld Taekw ondo Cham pionships, Pai ge M cPh er son (Stur gis, S.D.) and Jack i e Gal l ow ay (Wylie, Texas) r epeated as m edalists, but this tim e it w as silver dr aped ar ound their necks. Tw o-tim e Olym pian M cPher son w on the silver m edal in the w om en?s -67-kilogr am division on June 27, w hile 2016 Olym pic br onze m edalist Gallow ay captur ed the silver m edal in the w om en?s +73kg division the follow ing day. In the over all standings, the silver m edals by M cPher son and Gallow ay helped Team USA to finish four th in the fem ale division behind Kor ea, Tur key and Ser bia 8