Tae Kwon Do Life Magazine June 2017 | Page 8

NEWS FROM THE Taekwondo Compet it ion Rul es Al t ered t o Make Sport ?Dazzl e and Excit e? BURNABY, Can ada (Nov. 15, 2016)-New com petition r ules for taekw ondo kyor ugi w er e pr oposed to and accepted by the W TF?s 27th Gener al Assem bly, held at the Delta Hotel Bur naby Confer ence Center. changed to 20-point gaps (to accom m odate the extr a points for body kicks). How ever , it w as pr oposed that stoppages on point gaps be pr ohibited in sem i- and final m atches, if OCs w ish. Speaking at the W TF Council m eeting the day pr eviously, W TF Pr esident Chungw on Choue had said that now that taekw ondo has pr oven that it is ?fair and tr anspar ent,? it is tim e to upgr ade the spor t so that it ?dazzles and excites.? It w as pr oposed that the kyong-go (m inus half-point) penalty be er adicated, leaving only gam -jeom (m inus one point). This pr oposal is designed to m ake up for the extr a points for body kicks, and to sim plify penalties. Ten gam -jeom s w ill r esult in loss by penalty. Pr oposed changes to W TF Com petition Rules and Inter pr etations w er e pr esented by W TF Dir ector Gener al Jin-bang Yang. He explained that ther e had been an exhaustive consultative pr ocess. In October , som e 30 elite coaches fr om ar ound the w or ld had discussed r ule changes w ith each other , as w ell as w ith the heads of the Technical and Developm ent Com m ittee, Coaches Com m ittee and Refer ee Com m ittee, and w ith the W TF Council. W ider sanctions w er e pr oposed for var ious fr ont leg actions, such as leg blocks, kicking the opponent?s kicks, and below -the-belt cut kicks. These pr oposals ar e designed to favor attacking tactics and offensive player s. Yang noted that w hile taekw ondo at the Rio 2016 Olym pic Gam es had been w idely pr aised by the gener al public, the m edia and the spor ts com m unity, m any m em ber s of the global taekw ondo fam ily had com plained. Their com plaints lar gely focused on the over -use of fr ont-leg kicks and PSS functionality. He br oke dow n four key issues that the r ule changes addr ess. Fir stly, taekw ondo needs m or e action, so m ust encour age offensive player s. Secondly, ther e ar e cur r ently too m any stoppages, m id-gam e. Thir dly, the intr oduction of the PSS and IVR have im pr oved officiating ? but even so, officiating needs to be im pr oved fur ther. Lastly, taekw ondo needs to be easier for the gener al public and TV view er s to under stand. In ter m s of point allocations, an extr a point w as pr oposed for kicks to the body, fr om one to tw o points. This, it is hoped, w ill encour age active attacks. M or eover , m atches ar e cur r ently ended if ther e is a 12-point gap betw een player s; it w as pr oposed this be 8 To m ake the gam e m or e continuous, it w as pr oposed that autom atic penalties be r em oved for pushing ? so allow ing player s to push and kick, ther eby encour aging com bination attacks. Those pushed w ill ? if they fall to the gr ound ? suffer a penalty. (This, it is hoped, w ill encour age athletic balance). How ever , pushing an opponent over the boundar y, or pushing an opponent w hile he/she is kicking, r em ain sanctioned. It w as pr oposed that the ?golden point? r ound be r educed fr om tw o m inutes to one. And to sim plify the gam e, it w as pr oposed that coaches no longer be allow ed to appeal video r eplays for face kicks. M or eover , it w as pr oposed that ther e be an incr ease in video quotas: One quota w ill be given per coach, per m atch. All the pr oposals pr esented w er e appr oved by the Gener al Assem bly. The new r ules w ill be tentatively applied fr om Januar y 2017; full application w ill becom e effective at the Wor ld Cham pionships in M uju in June of that year. The new ly r evised r ules w ill be posted on the W TF w ebsite in due cour se.