Synaesthesia Magazine What Rose Wanted | Page 39

What Rose wanted was a BLT: Bison, Lemur, Tomato. Instead, she twirled fettucini through fork tines. Her date had once seemed so polite in the restaurant. Tall, proud, vaguely Italian – Or was it the tan and the stubble and the polyester three-piece? Tasteful, Eve had called him, back when that first date was only a date. “Ask him about Mozart,” she had said. “This is the date to ask about Mozart.” Rose asked. He replied: Amadeus is the Enlightened Voice of the Earth’s Soul. Four years later, she now wondered: If he had ever known the concerto of sunset as it settles breathless upon the polished stage. The ciliation of bowstrings, the ponderous hush of the bass, the whispered envy of the piano in the corner. Tonight he read Dickinson at the table as the waiter took their plates and then returned with refills.