Synaesthesia Magazine What Rose Wanted | Page 35

Illustration: Spel Oner. Professional friend, pixel pusher, medium destroyer, superhero with a maniacal edge. Karl Russell The Rising C reeping barefoot through the darkened kitchen, Jane felt the whisper of wetness against the ball of her toes and tried to shift her weight, but it was too late; the gelatinous mass gave with a ‘pop’ and she felt it spread beneath her, lukewarm innards squeezing between her toes like wet play-doh. The slugs were back. Standing crane-like on her untainted foot, she waited for her eyes to adjust, watching their dim shapes gradually develop against the lino-like blemishes on a spoiled photograph. Navigating between them, she hopped to the sink counter and pulled herself up to sit with her foot under the tap. The drainer creaked under her weight, suggesting – like she needed another reminder – that half an hour on the exercise bike each night just wouldn’t cut it any more. The water was icy, stinging her toes, but she couldn’t turn the hot on without setting the pipes knocking in Lou’s room, and she’d only just got him back down again. If he woke a third time there’d be no settling him, so she endured the numbing cold and scrubbed at the gunk between her toes until she was satisfied that they were clean. Then she killed the water and sat there a moment longer, wondering what to do. It was too late to text anyone, too early to get ready for the