Synaesthesia Magazine Nonsense | Page 65

The Radiator Has a Tummy Ache

I once prescribed tablets

to the old microwave,

mourned the lemon squeezer,

I hadn't used in a decade.

I remember hearing the kettle

having an asthma attack,

and running to pull out

the plug from its back.

I suggested the radio

stick to one station, tried

to fix the funny noise

the radiator was making.

Now the nurse lends me a smile,

makes me warm in my bed

I shut my eyes tight;

see me pulling a blanket

over the hole in the shed.

The Radiator Has a Tummy Ache

by Carlotta Eden

Kathryn Corlett (left) is an illustrator and graphic designer based in south London. She works with a variety of materials – pencils, paints and digital textures. Her illustrative work is mostly editorial and she has recently had work published in New Internationalist Magazine, Transmitter Magazine and STIR to Action Magazine. @kathryncorlett