Synaesthesia Magazine Atlas | Page 20

Michelle Ross’ fiction has appeared or is forthcoming in The Adroit Journal, Atticus Review, Fiction Southeast, Gulf Coast, The Nervous Breakdown, Sixfold, SmokeLong Quarterly, and other journals. She has an MFA from Indiana University. She lives in Tucson, Arizona. Lesson 1: Engage Denise tapped the side of the coffee tin with a boning knife to disperse the Plaster of Paris powder into the water. She stirred the mixture gently with a wooden dowel, careful to prevent air bubbles. What she ignored was the instruction to wear a dust mask over her nose and mouth. What with the vitamins she no longer bothered to take and the wine she no longer limited, what was a little particulate matter? Garrick sat at the opposite end of their dining table, grading papers. He said, “This kid Josh wrote his essay about his older brother getting his driver’s license. This he calls history?” Once the Plaster of Paris reached a smooth consistency, Denise worked fast. It would set in minutes. She coated a nautilus shell and three clam shells in petroleum jelly and pressed them hard into the thick paste. The process was not unlike her mother shoving her two top front teeth back into her gums when she almost lost them at age twelve: she landed face first upon falling off her bicycle. It hurt like fuck, but thanks to her mother’s pluck, the teeth had rerooted.