SYLVANUS URBAN Sylvanus Urban - "The Energy Issue " | Page 46

Going Down LEVEL UP YOUR ELEVATOR ETIQUETTE If it’s true that your strength of character is revealed behind closed doors, then the essence of who you are can be distilled by how you ride the elevator. And if my condo is an accurate sampling of the general public, then we all suck at least a little bit. What is it about entering the confines of a technologically advanced metal box that permits people to disregard social standards completely. Do you value personal space? The elevator laughs in your face as it slowly but surely pushes strangers well beyond your boundaries. Going gluten-free? The elevator will ensure that you are trapped between floors with the Pizza Pizza delivery man. Have a secret? The elevator reads your childhood diary and manifests your greatest fears. While each of these situations is horrifying in its own right, sharing the experience with well- mannered individuals can at the very least soften the blow. So to ensure you don’t come across as a sociopath suspended in midair, Chief Etiquette Officer Julie Blais Comeau shares her tips on how to ride the elevator like a decent human being. accomplishing is pissing off your colleagues or neighbours. People will hate you. I will hate you. The elevator repairman will laugh ostensibly at your perceived control. You might get fired. Or evicted. Everyone will cheer. POSITION OF POWER If you’re afraid of responsibility, step aside. “The person that is closest to the numbers, to the buttons and the door becomes the elevator car captain,” says Julie. “It’s that person’s responsibility to hold the door open using their arm, not fingers, for people to safely embark and disembark the elevator. ” Sure you were passed over for “most likely to succeed” in high school, but this is your chance for redemption. You are now the conductor for everyone’s experience, introducing structure and order into a claustrophobic hell cabinet full of hooligans. Most notably your job description entails asking fellow travellers which floor they’re going to. A responsibility you should not take lightly considering your current job situation. Your mom will call and tell you she is proud. FULL DISCLOSURE “If you're continuing a conversation from outside the elevator be so very aware of confidentiality. I can't tell you how many times I've been in an elevator and I've recognized the people being talked about, even though I had no connection with the people doing the talking,” says Julie, completely on the record. This is not the time to plot revenge on the office intern or share your favourite spot for a mid- afternoon siesta. And just because you’re not talking about how drunk Gary from accounting got at your last dinner party, doesn’t mean you should be yapping away on your Google Pixel either. “Imagine there were five people in the elevator all talking at once. It’s going to be very chaotic, and the reception is not that great. It’s best just to let them know you’re going up a few floors in the elevator and you’ll call them back in a few minutes.” Now imagine each one of those people is yielding a Chimmy Changa. What has life become? TOTALLY SMASHED This is not a Nintendo game. This is not a game at all. This is not fun. This is an elevator. The lesson? No matter how many times you smash the close door button the only action you’re 46 EXIT STRATEGY While your gut instinct may be to throw them bows, there is in fact a gentler, body-part free way to exit the car. First, ask yourself if you're Beyoncé. If the answer is “no, probably not” then the following The Energy Issue S y l v a n u s - Ur b a n . c o m