Sure Travel Journey Vol 5.2 Autumn 2019 | Page 26

• E N R O U T E / / S O L O T R A V E L Barcelona has Roman roots stretching back more than 2 000 years, and everywhere you look is a bizarre clash between modernity and ancient history But there are lonely moments, too. You soon realise that life at home goes on without you, and that you’re not needed as badly as you thought you were. Where is everyone and what are they doing? you can’t help but wonder. But gradually, inevitably, you let go and immerse yourself in the experience. What I realised most while travelling alone in Barcelona is that you experience the world and know it through others, be they foreign or familiar. And the most important humans, those that give the most meaning to your life, are the ones that you love and are devoted to. The ones back home. Being alone for a little while reminds you of that – and hopefully ensures that you return safely, to where you belong. Above: The iconic Sagrada Família church, designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. life as an electrician in the cold shires to become a photographer on the sexy shores of the Med. He complained constantly about the Catalans, citing their hostile treatment of foreigners. I discovered that the Catalans have their own language and a separate identity to other Spanish people and are fighting for independence. The rebellion has been brutally crushed by the Spanish government, with many activists and artists being jailed for their open support of the movement. The red, yellow and blue flags in many windows of Barcelona homes signify support for an independent Catalonian state. Another perk of travelling alone is having absolute autonomy. No plan is needed, no debating or haggling over every decision. You can go wherever you want, eat whatever you like and go home when you’re tired. I ate tapas and drank beer on the beach. I spent hours doodling in my notepad and contemplating life. Take advantage of our growing network London Brussels New York © SHUTTERSTOCK.COM Tel Aviv Dubai Guangzhou Mumbai Dakar Bamako Cotonou Abuja Abidjan Accra Lagos Addis Ababa Juba Douala Libreville Kamembe Brazzaville Current routes Planned routes 011 289 8050/ 8080 [email protected] Entebbe Nairobi Mombasa Kilimanjaro Dar es Salaam Kigali Bujumbura Lusaka Harare Johannesburg Cape Town