Sure Travel Journey Vol 3.4 Spring 2017 | Page 22

DEPARTURE LOUNGE // SPRING 2017 How I It’s been seven years since Lloyd Cele competed in Idols SA and shot to local stardom, famously missing out on winning the competition to his good friend Elvis Blue, who then gave his buddy half his windfall – as each agreed they would if the other won. TRAVEL with Lloyd Cele PHOTO BY HUW MORRIS It’s been a good seven years for Cele, a self-taught musician who plays guitar, keyboard and saxophone and writes most of his own songs. These days he tours practically non-stop as a musician, but also works as a TV presenter and a public speaker. He swears by travelling light, so we met up with him between flights to see just how seriously he takes it (spoiler alert: very). 3 1 | BOOK I always have a book with me. Right now I’m re-reading How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie. I love this book. It really talks about practical things you can do on a day-to-day basis to connect with people. I get refresher tips out of it often. 2 | YAMAHA SILENT GUITAR I always carry it with me, it’s like my baby, just don’t tell my wife that! It’s a silent guitar, which means no one but me can hear it when I plug in earphones. What’s awesome is that I can jam at the airport or wherever I am without causing a disturbance. Often people look at me strangely, or some may say “Hey, that’s Lloyd, let’s take a picture.” The funniest thing that ever happened while strumming my guitar at an airport is that someone tried to give me money, and I had to explain that I wasn’t busking! Seriously, though, as an artist you have to make music everywhere and anywhere, and be able to draw inspiration and creativity from whatever situation you find yourself in on the road. So my guitar keeps me going, and it helps entertai