Supporting pupils with SEN | Page 6

The Key for School Leaders Supporting pupils with SEN SENCO’s strategic tasks planner Area of focus Autumn term Spring term Local offer Review school’s information on the local offer, and that of other schools Summer term Support the local authority in its annual local offer review process Consider what wider services could support your setting Policies and documents Update SEN information report Procedures and structures September: review wave 1 interventions Audit levels of SEND paperwork and make improvements where required Support staff and feeder schools with transition Review whole-school and intervention-based assessment processes (waves 2 and 3) Maintained schools: ensure budget for SEN provision is in place Review provision maps and data on interventions, and use this to plan a provision map for incoming cohort January: ensure in-depth SEN data is recorded accurately for spring census, including SEN types and pupils attending SEN unit provision May: ensure pupil SEN provision is recorded accurately for the summer census Review school accessibility plan Review school policies on assessment and learning, ensuring they conform with the SEND Code of Practice Work with school business manager to review tracking of SEN funding Academies: ensure budget for SEN provision is in place Reporting October: ensure pupil SEN provision is recorded accurately for the autumn census Meet with the link governor for SEN, and circulate minutes at a full governing body meeting Parental engagement Meet with the link governor for SEN, and circulate minutes at a full governing body meeting Hold a parent focus group to discuss how the school can improve its SEN provision Send an end-of-term questionnaire to parents to gauge opinion on the school’s SEN provision Consult parents about the format of SEN support plans and the effectiveness of communication systems Pupil engagement Hold school council focus group to discuss SEN provision Roll out plan for specialist SEN training Audit teaching staff SEN knowledge and skills Run SEN training for new teaching and support staff Evaluate the impact of continuing professional development in relation to SEN Gather staff feedback on how the graduated approach is being used in the classroom, to feed into review of wave 1 interventions Monitoring Meet with parents to review the school’s contribution to the development of the local offer and SEN information report Meet with pupils or use a pupil questionnaire to review the school’s contribution to the development of the local offer and SEN information report Consult pupils about the format of SEN