Supporting Effective Teaching in Tennessee: Executive Summary | Page 19

Data Systems The development and use of data systems play a critical role in improving the quality of education for students. Statewide longitudinal data systems can enhance a state’s ability to effectively use, accurately manage, and analyze education trends and patterns. In the classroom, longitudinal data systems can help teachers identify and address the needs of individual students.25 While Tennessee has one of the best longitudinal data systems in the country, the state’s data system is grossly underutilized by most teachers, administrators, and policymakers across the state. T VAA S wa s revo l u tio n a ry at t h e ti m e it wa s cre ate d b ec au se it wa s t h e so that scores can be linked to student demographic characteristics as well as a student’s specific teacher and school. TVAAS follows the progress of individual students over time, allowing the system to estimate the effect schooling has on a student’s academic progress each year. Value-added scores can also be created for districts, schools and teachers based on the achievement gains of the students for which they are responsible. f irst va l u e - a d d e d data Logins per 1,000 students over last 12 months TVAAS was revolutionary at the time it was created because it was the first valuesyste m i n t h e co u n try. added data system in the country. As a value-added system, TVAAS was able Created in 1992, the Tennessee Valueto measure how much a student learned and the effectiveness of individual Added Assessment System (TVAAS) districts, schools, and teachers regardless collects annual achievement data for of the students’ initial level of achievemen B