Supporting Effective Teaching in Tennessee: Executive Summary | Page 14

enrolling. Nationally, the average is 56.1 percent, resulting in Tennessee ranking 31st nationally on this metric. In comparison to other Southeastern states, Tennessee ranks fifth below Virginia (9th) North Carolina (16th), South Carolina (22nd), and Florida (29th).16 On the whole, this data shows Tennessee ranks significantly below the national average on almost all educational outcomes metrics. Perhaps just as concerning, Tennessee only ranks in the middle when compared with other Southeastern states, consistently ranking behind Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, and Virginia. than students from higher socioeconomic classes. Specifically, while 52.8 percent of white third through eighth graders scored advanced in math on the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program (TCAP), only 34.7 percent of Hispanic, 26.1 percent of African American, and 31.4 percent of economically disadvantaged students did so. Similarly, while the high school graduation rate for white students was 85.6 percent, the graduation rate for A m o n g states i n t h e Hispanic students was 73.1 percent, and the graduation rate for African American S o u t h e a st, T e n n essee students was 71.6 percent.17 co n siste n t ly r a n ks Percent of Students Scoring Proficient and Advanced on TCAP (Average of Fourth and Eighth Grade Reading and Math Scores) 100 95 90 85 80 75 80 75 70 65 60 65 9 60 8 55 50 7 All Students African American 5 All Students White 4 2005-06 African American 2007-08 3 65 2 60 2005-06 1 55 50 White 6 55 50 70 Percent of Students Scoring Proficient and Advanced on TCAP (Average of Fourth and Eighth Grade Reading and Math Scores) The Achievement Gap in Tennessee 2007-08 0 All Students White African American Hispanic Economically Disadvantaged Source: Tennessee Department of Education 2005-06 2007-08 Infant mortality rate (per 1,000 births) Percent of Students Scoring Proficient and Advanced on TCAP (Average of Fourth and Eighth Grade Reading and Math Scores) The good news is Tennessee is slowly closing the achievement gap. For example, b e h i n d F l ori da , when one examines eighth grade TCAP The Achievement Gap math scores, one finds the percent of Ke n t u c k y, Nort h In almost every state and district white students scoring proficient or across the country, there are significant advanced on the test increased 3.4 differences in how various subgroups of percent from 2005-06 to 2007-08 while C a ro l i n a , a n d V ir g i n 100 ia. students perform on educational outcome the percent of African Americans scoring 95 metrics. Tennessee is no exception. proficient increased 9.1 percentage Within the state, African American and points, the percent of Hispanic students 90 100 Hispanic students consistently perform scoring proficient increased 9.7 points, worse than white and Asian st udents in terms of both student and the percent of economically disadvantaged students 85 95 achievement and educational attainment. Similarly, students scoring proficient increased 8.0 points. The achievement gap 80 from lower socioeconomic classes perform significantly worse closed in similar ways if one exams fourth grade reading, 90 fourth grade math, and eighth grade reading TCAP scores, as 75 Figure 3.3 illustrates. 85 Figure 3.3 70 13 H