Supermodels SA November 2014 Issue 39 | Page 29

To see more photos Describe the women you design for. I wasn’t nineteen anymore, so I think what was fun was I was making clothes for a girl that will fit my life. I was designing for me. I was designing for a creative person who had a career and had to deal with family and kids and stuff. I was trying to make clothes that were kind of day to evening. You know like wore the under parts you change the jacket made dress up to go out. They were fluid. We did a lot of flowing things. We did a lot of separates, things that you could layer on by how you change your jewelry. What age group do you design for? I think I design more for a kind of person because we seem to appeal to people who are a little bit quirky. Who really love clothes and are not afraid to make a statement but so they are all of the mainstream kind of straight designers in terms of serious fashion and then there is kind of fast fashion. So I think is people who really are collecting clothes. They want things that are fresh but they also want to think it will be it their closet in five years and they might not be wearing it every day. Do you think your clothes are timeless? I think some of the things are. I mean, I think we venture into a kind of trendy stuff….I would like to think the tops and jackets. Who were your inspirations in the fashion industry? Well, I think there are so many wonderful people out there. I don’t know. That is really hard. I guess when you look at Oscar De La Renta, Bill Blass, and Geoffrey Beene. I think Oscar and Geoffrey they were really class acts. I think they dress a certain kind of woman and they also dress a lot of stars but I think they were just class acts. Will you design for men? I have done numerous things for men. I have done crazy tail suits with kimono edges. I have opera coats and linen suits. Do you design for the plus size women? Yes we cut to about 3x. (I had to smile because I believe all women should embrace their curves.)