Supermodels SA November 2014 Issue 39 | Page 22

Ties and pocket squares If you would rather stick with a solid colour shirt but still want a hint of a summer pattern, find a tie or pocket square in your pattern of choice. A tie in a pastel plaid, gingham, pale stripe, or lightly-coloured silk knit lightly-colou would all be sunny and suitable options. Summer dress shirts: Though it depends on your office culture, business formal dress codes and most business casual dress codes recommend a long-sleeved dress shirt at any time of year. In the summer, crisp cotton dress shirts in white, cot pale blue, or mint green provide a breezy summer palette. Certain linen shirts may also look office-ready, but make sure you opt for a clean, tailored cut. In more casual environments, try a seasonal pattern like gingham or light check to mix it